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15mm Volcano Dwarf Great Cannon

Great Cannon and Crew
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
€4.53 EUR

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Just FYI, the product now known as Great Cannon & Crew in the Mirliton catalog was formerly #1829 Dwarven Bombard & Crew when it was in the Grenadier catalog.

Revision Log
29 April 2020page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

As you've seen previously, I'm putting together a new Dwarf army – the Volcano Dwarves. They're a little more… chaotic… than my other Dwarves.

Great Cannons

This week, the army gets its first guns! I'm using the ex-Grenadier 15mm Dwarves (well, they were still Grenadier when I bought them!), currently available from Mirliton.

Great Cannons

This is actually my second time around with these models, as I painted one up previously for my 'regular' 15mm Dwarf army.

Great Cannon

This time, I had the figures painted by our friends in Sri Lanka – Fernando Enterprises.

Great Cannon

When the figures arrived, I mounted them on 2" x 2" plastic Mighty Armies (Rebel Minis) bases, then textured with spackle, painted brown on top and yellow on the sides, and flocked.

Great Cannon

Looks like I need to clean some flock off the mount of that cannon – whoops! Funny what you don't see until you take the pictures…

Great Cannon

See the black lip on the bottom of the bases? I put LITKO FlexSteel there, so the bases will 'stick' to magnetic sheet in my storage boxes.

Great Cannon

I tried to vary up the crew positions for variety, within the limits of what we know about Dwarven artillery practices. grin

Great Cannon

My concept of the Volcano Dwarves is that they have a lot of artillery, not a lot of infantry, and utilize lots of mercenary cannon fodder.

Great Cannon

I also expect to 'hire them out' as mercenaries to the highest bidders!

For comparison, here were my instructions to the painters:

Cannon barrel: Fiery red

Cannon Stand: black, with silver metal parts. Volcano brown with yellow lava.

Artillerist: Red coat, yellow hat, golden fire-starter stick with red dragon head. White beard.

Ammo Carriers: Helmet iron, hat varied colors, ammo is glowing red hot on charred wood

Please assemble the cannon and stand; leave the crew separate.