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4 Skulls Scenic

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Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP writes:

What's worrying me is who killed all these giants and stacked their skulls up so neatly?

Is there a Titan on the loose….

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21 October 2024page first published

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169 hits since 16 Oct 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

In a previous article, I showed how I created a Giant's Skull scenic from inexpensive styrofoam skull and bones.

4 Skulls scenic

Using the same techniques and the leftovers from the previous project, I created this 4 Skulls scenic. This time, I painted both rows of teeth! grin

4 Skulls scenic

The only problem I had was that the spray coat of matte clear ate through the paint and cracked one of the skulls. Above, you can see a white crack. This is easily repaired, and adds new detail to the scenic.

4 Skulls scenic

The design is symmetrical, so the scenic pretty much looks the same from each of the sides.

4 Skulls scenic

This project used four skulls and four bones. The wooden base came from the dollar store.

4 Skulls scenic

Above, a 28mm fantasy figure is shown with the skulls. The skulls are giant-sized in 28mm, and truly enormous in 15mm.