For those who haven't been following this series from the beginning: Years ago, I bought three packs of U.S. Specialists, which were at the time part of the Charlie Company range from Rafm. The packs contained a bewildering variety of figures – and since the pack is no longer offered by the manufacturer, there's no online catalog listing, and Rafm didn't respond to my inquiries. So I'm diligently going through this collection, sometimes figure by figure, trying to discern what they're supposed to be. With your help, we've learned that many of the figures are actually from the Platoon 20 range, but were at one time sold under the Charlie Company brand name.

This figure turns out to be from V-US17 20mm US Army Artillerymen in the Platoon 20 range, which is now produced by East Front Miniatures.

These three identical artillerymen were painted for TMP by our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, using their own references.