Today in Showcase, we're showing off some WarChest figures from Lance & Laser, as painted for TMP by Stuart Lunn over at Demon-Brushwurkz.

The WarChest product line provides boxed sets of fantasy figures, and a set of rules for playing on a conventional checkers board. Players can use the figures as-is - in fact, the pictures on the back of the box shows unpainted figures on the gameboard - although wargamers would likely paint them up!
The set painted by Demon-Brushwurkz is the Dwarf Starter Set, which includes four Dwarves, a Stonewalker, and a Medusa. The figures are also available individually. Oh, and there's a warchest (which is an objective in the game).

(The chest photographs more "blue" than it actually is - the true color is a bluish-grey.)
Although the game does not require basing, Stu thought it would work best to mount the models on Warhammer-style bases.

Demon-Brushwurkz charged £36.00 GBP for painting the six figures, £3.00 GBP for the warchest, and £10.00 GBP for international shipping (U.K. to U.S.) with insurance - for a total of £49.00 GBP.