These figures came across my workbench for a little clean-up and the addition of LITKO FlexSteel base bottoms, and I realized they had never been on TMP before!

These figures have been 'in the collection' for a number of years, and unfortunately, I can't tell you who painted them as I have no record.

However, I recognize the bases…

The base tops are metal inserts that fit into the slottabases, and happen to be 'skull base floors' from Black Cat Bases. The figures are probably from the same source, but I couldn't find them in the company's current catalog.

The advantage of 'naked' skeletons is that they work equally well in fantasy, Pulp, horror, or science fantasy.

This skeleton wields a sword, wears a leather belt, and has a bronze kneeguard. The figure gives a good impression of a skeleton, without being fragile.

This skeleton has some kind of impaling axe. Note the skull style, which is unique to this manufacturer.

A pair of mismatched hatchets or small axes arm this skeleton. He's wearing a rotting pair of pants.

These add a nice element to my skeleton horde.