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Troop of Shewe Paints Early War 1:56 Scale T-34s

T-34/40 (platoon of 3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$100 USD

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Troop of Shewe Fezian writes:

It comes with the base……….

Revision Log
28 June 2012page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Last year, Neil Burt of the Troop of Shewe painting service completed painting this trio of 1:56 scale T-34 tanks in three-tone camouflage for an ongoing TMP special project.

Here are his photos:

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tanks

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tank

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

T-34 tanks

Neil prices each job individually, so it would do no good to tell you what we paid, as your project might be completely different. (We also got a discount.)

I'll be following up with some detail photos shortly.

(You can see the original photos, slightly larger and uncropped, on Flickr.)