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28mm WWII Late-War Winter Germans With A/T Weapons

Late War Germans (Winter) A/T
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£5.40 GBP

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GamesPoet Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Ooooooh! This thread popped up when I was looking at one of Herkybird's links to a WW2 game on his site. Bingo, clicked the link provided above and into Northstar/Artizan and ordering a pack of these, I like them alot!

Will order a few other items as well … lol.

Revision Log
16 April 2013page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Continuing our wintry German theme, Combatpainter Painting Studios has painted these figures for TMP.


When I went looking for this pack on the North Star website, I couldn't find it. Turns out it became part of the Late War Germans when that range was formally organized, and the old code went to a different pack. So it's still there, just with a new code now.


There are four unique figures in the set.


The weapon with the shield is the Panzerschreck 54; the other weapons are Panzerfausts.


As I requested, these have been painted and based to a winter theme, to match the figures. The patchy snow means they could reasonably be used from late fall to early spring.
