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My AK47 Regulars

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Only Warlock writes:

Man, I need to rebuild my SPORK Mercenary force for AK47. Last outing they shot up the UN Aid Station and "Rescued" a Nazi war criminal.

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16 September 2008page first published

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Well, I promised some pictures of my AK47 army when I started to get them finished, so here they are!

AK47 regulars

What I'm up to is that I'm painting one army for AK47 (Peter Pig's game of Modern Africa), and having Fernando Enterprises paint the opposing army. My army belongs to a former European colony, now independent and working to resolve past problems... but with a menacing dictatorship on its borders.

AK47 regulars

The figures shown here are "regulars" - your standard colonial armed forces. They're equipped with automatic rifles and anti-tank weapons.

AK47 regulars

My imaginary African nation (whose name I keep forgetting, so I keep coming up with new ones) is composed of European settlers and two tribal groups - one hostile to the government, and one consequently forced into alliance with the government. So my regulars are a mix of white- and black-skinned troops.

AK47 regulars

The painting technique was just the usual basecoat, then a black ink wash, then highlights. For black fleshtones, the basecoat was Delta Ceramcoat Spice Brown, but I don't remember what I used for a highlight. I probably should have gone with something darker... but it gives a useful contrast with the darker-skinned enemy tribe.

Lime green RPG

And I know someone is going: "Lime green RPGs?" But honest, I saw them in a photograph of weaponry and couldn't resist duplicating them for my army.

Next: the Militia