I recently discovered some old figures while doing some reorganizing, and decided to re-base them and put them back onto the game table!

Some of you will remember that, many years ago, I used to write a lot of articles for a magazine called The Space Gamer. In fact, I wrote for them so much that one of the staff joked they should rename the magazine, Armintrout Gamer!

Some of the gaming companies starting sending me their products directly so that I would write reviews for the magazine. (I suppose someone at the magazine sent them my address, as it skipped a step in the process.) That's how I became a miniatures reviewer, receiving samples from the big companies of the day.

One of my rules was that I wouldn't review a mini that I hadn't seen painted up. This raised a problem, since way back then, I was a terrible painter! So I made a deal with my friend Brent, who painted all the minis, I wrote the reviews, and then we split the minis between us (and used them at the game club).

So these are some of those miniatures, painted by Brent, which I've re-based and touched up a little. In case you were wondering, the 'new technique' back then was to paint the eyes white, then poke them with something sharp to create an eye!

These soldiers have done a lot of fighting! One of the guns is missing part of the barrel, and another gun is only held together by old paint! I think they need more touch-ups…

This blue alien is the only figure in this group that I painted myself, and it was something of a milestone in my improving early efforts at painting. The large eye looked good once upon a time, but has clouded up over time – paints don't always age well.