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The Slipgrip Hobby Mat

SlipGrip Hobby Mat
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I believe their HQ is in France – here is the link for their U.S. operations:

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24 July 2006page first published

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The SlipGrip Hobby Mat is an upcoming product from Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, not yet commercially available (as of this writing). It sounds pretty incredible:

Pull Your Hobby Out of the Basement!


SLIPGRIP Hobby Mats can transform any area into a quick set-up & clean-up art studio.

  • Sets Up and Cleans Up in Seconds!
  • Patented No-Stick Surface Resists Paint, Heat, Glue, Chemicals & Solvents
  • Grips the Table Top for Stable Workspace!
  • Lasts a long, long time

The SlipGrip even has its own website:

SlipGrip in its tube

The mat comes in a sturdy plastic tube, along with a cover page. My sample is the new "small" size, created after feedback from Origins attendees - roughly 12" x 16". (Others sizes are available, up to 18" x 30".)

SlipGrip mat

The top side of the mat is tan-colored, with the patented no-stick surface. The bottom of the mat is covered with a reddish no-slip backing.

Jeff Barden at Saint-Gobain gave me a few hobby-specific suggestions for putting the mat to work:

  1. paint pallet – "I use nothing else now, as I got tired of replacing my pallets (and cleaning them)"
  2. modeling putty work area
  3. gluing station – "I've found wet sponges (best are the kitchen scrubber sponges) are best to wipe away super glue wet, but letting stuff dry and then flake/wipe off is even easier"
  4. spray station – "If you magnetize bases, you can place models directly on a baking pan and spray away (then wipe clean the SlipGrip) – but you can also glue models on the SlipGrip with a bond light enough for spraying"

Time to try out my SlipGrip!