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15mm Volcano Dwarf Crossbowmen

Dwarves with crossbow (1)
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Suggested Retail Price
€3.81 EUR

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15 January 2020page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Last time, you saw the axemen for my Volcano Dwarf army, which I'm building using the classic ex-Grenadier figures.

Dwarf crossbowmen

Now, I'm adding a few stands of crossbowmen. These figures are from my 'lead pile' and are original Grenadier figures, but the same figures are available today from Mirliton (though I'm not sure if these are Dwarves with Crossbow (1) or Dwarves with Crossbow (2)).

Dwarf crossbowmen

These were painted, according to my instructions, by our friends in Sri Lanka – Fernando Enterprises.

Dwarf crossbowmen

When the figures returned, I based them on 1" x 2" Mighty Armies plastic bases (available from Rebel Minis).

Dwarf crossbowmen

I used spackle to smooth the figure bases into the plastic base, painted the surface brown, then flocked the base.

Dwarf crossbowmen

I painted the edges yellow as a guide for players, so they recognize which bases are in this army.

Dwarf crossbowmen

You may notice a 'black line' underneath the bases. This is LITKO FlexSteel, a rubbery magnetic material that you can order to specific sizes, and which has a paper that peels off to expose an adhesive surface, so you just press it into place on the bottom of the base.

Dwarf crossbowmen

Since I store my armies in containers lined with magnetic material, the FlexSteel keeps the bases from sliding around when being transported to a game.

Dwarf crossbowmen

In my imagination, I like to play the game of designing my army around the figures I have on hand. Therefore, since I have so few crossbowmen, the Volcano Dwarves must not see them as an essential part of their force. Hmmm…