I previously painted up the hyenas from this set. Now, I have painted their hyenamen masters!

OK, well, technically, both the men and the hyenas are hyenamen, right? (The hyenamen are shapeshifters.) But the one with the chains is obviously the master!

So this is the hyenaman with the chains, and the set provides the option of mounting him and the hyenas together on a large base (with the hyenas being chained to him), or having everything based separate. Individual basing made more sense to me, for wargaming purposes.

This leads to the question of what to do with the chains and their fancy handle… My decision was to coil the chain at the figure's feet, as if he's just released the hyenas.

To keep the chain from moving around, I let some runny superglue run down the chain. However, the chain ended up with a funny bend in it.

The hyena master is also armed with a hooked sword and a large dagger.

I don't claim to be any kind of master painter. I simply used basic techniques here – base colors, drybrushed highlights, and washes of black and brown. The skintone comes from a truly ancient pot called African Flesh.

This is the other hyenaman in the pack. They are part of the Barbarian faction in BeestWars.

This figure has one foot on the ground, with a brief slot attached. I was worried about how well he would attach to the base, but it turns out that the 'skirt' comes down to ground level and can also be glued for support.

Note that the daggers are separate, and you can pretty much attach them as desired. I also imagine they'll be easily knocked loose when these figures are in use in a game…

These figures have a lot of character, and I found them easy to paint.

I considered going with a more arid basing look, but in the end went with standard grass flocking. That's what my tabletop will look like, so it matches.