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1:72 Italeri Russian Infantry, Part VII

Russian Infantry
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€10.50 EUR

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24 November 2023page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member writes:

We're near the end of this project, which is my first experience putting together a 1:72 plastic figure force for WWII. All of these figures come from the same boxed set, and were painted for TMP by Fernando Enterprises.

Russian heavy machineguns

I learned a lesson on this project, and that is to store tiny parts in a small plastic container, so that they don't get away from me! While putting these together, I managed to lose one gun shield and one wheel! The tiny wheel disappeared from my workbench, and as for the gun shield, I dropped it and never found it again…

Russian heavy machineguns

One of the gun shields slipped while the glue was drying, and I decided to leave it as-is rather than risk the paint job.

Russian heavy machineguns

I've long had a fondness for Maxim machineguns. I believe their use goes back to the First World War, and now they're still being used in the Ukraine war!

Russian heavy machineguns

I mounted the figures side-by-side, which means the assistant is just sort of waving the ammo at the gunner.

Russian heavy machineguns

I've put LITKO FlexSteel on the base bottoms so they will stick to magnet-lined storage boxes. In this case, the FlexSteel is hanging loose. This is due to the fact I left the base bottom unprimed. In the future, I'll prime the bottoms of the bases to get better adhesion; but for now, a drop of superglue will take care of the problem.