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Sugar Plum Fairy Set

Sugar Plum Fairy Set
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Suggested Retail Price
£6.00 GBP

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Mike OBrien writes:

As any "intelligent" person would know She Who Must be obeyed is called the "Sugar Plum Fairy", not the Splenda, Fructose or Aspertame Fairy! King Kandy is a tool of the Dental industry, a running dog cryto-fascist pseudo-capitalist running dog in the guise of a totalitarian Monarchist. I raise the banner of liberation from the oppression of the People and support the choice of the people in indulging in Natural Sugary Goodness!

Revision Log
30 December 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Today it's the turn of the Sugar Plum Fairy Set, as painted for us by Lee Brilleaux Fezian.

Sugar Plum Fairy and entourage

This pack contains the Sugar Plum Fairy herself, a stack of presents, and two Elves (which I'm guessing are provided as two random figures from the Bad Elves set).

According to Wikipedia, the Sugar Plum Fairy is an original character from Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, and is the "sovereign of sweets."