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Daemon's Keep - Exterior Fantasy Skirmish, 25mm


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17 January 2000page first published

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3,401 hits since 17 Jan 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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duel on the altar

This terrain set is large enough to stage several combats simultaneously. In the photo above, two warriors duel on top of the "altar" rock, while another combat takes place beyond them at the cave mouth, and yet another combat is nearly invisible in the distance...

multi-level combat

This photo shows how a multi-level combat can take place on this terrain set. As a Rat Ogre emerges from its lair, it is confronted by warriors on the first and second levels, archers on the first and third levels, and a wizard on the fourth level.

Vintage 25mm figures from the Editor's collection. Most are no longer in production. The Rat Ogre is a 28mm Citadel (Games Workshop) figure. Figure with cape and rapier is CD121 Bandit with Rapier from the Crimson Dragon line, formerly from TAG, currently produced by Raven's Forge.