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Sumerian Chariots in 6mm

6mm Sumerian Army Pack
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£9.00 GBP

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martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Very nice work.
Good photo too!


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15 June 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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A few years back, I did a Workbench article about painting 6mm scale Sumerian spearmen. One of those stands, intended as a command infantry stand, also contained a Sumerian commander in his chariot.

Sumerian command spearmen stand

But that wasn't the only chariot model I painted - as I needed at least two more stands: a chariot stand, and a command chariot stand.

Now finally, as promised, the pictures!

Sumerian chariot
Sumerian chariot (back)

The models are painted the same as before, although I may have used more bronze on the "regular" chariots than gold.

Since nobody really knows how the Sumerians used their chariots, that left me totally free to base them any way I wanted. I thought it would look good to have three chariots at the front of the stand...

Sumerian chariots in line

For reasons both of playability and visual impact, I decided to use the full base depth (rather than truncating the base as many do, since the 6mm models don't require the depth). For the "regular" chariot stand, I used five chariot models:

Sumerian regular chariot stand

This arrangement makes it easy to tell, from a distance, which end of the stand is the front.

Sumerian regular chariot stand

I used a sixth stand for the chariot command stand, for ease of recognition:

Sumerian command chariot stand

Since the chariots have thick cast-on bases, I used putty to fill in between and around the chariots, then added sand.

Sumerian command chariot stand

The bases are Litko extra-thick wooden bases, with Litko self-adhesive FlexSteel on the bottoms for storage purposes.