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28mm Goblin Standardbearers

Fantasy Legends: Goblin Command
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dragon6 writes:

As to the one with snapped ankles, just drill both legs from the bottom up. Insert pin, superglue, and, perhaps, a bit of putty to smooth it over

Revision Log
23 July 2020page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I mentioned previously that I had a stash of Goblin figures that I had collected haphazardly over the years, and that I finally sent them to my friends in Ukraine – Old Guard Painters – to have them painted.

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"Goblin standardbearers"

This time, it's the standardbearers that have been mounted and are ready for gaming!

Goblin standardbearers

Originally, there were three standardbearers, but I was too rough with one of them and it snapped off at the ankles! One forgets how fragile the old lead figures are.

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"Goblin standards"

One figure has a cast-on banner, while the other figure has so much decoration it might not need one (and the bird is sort of in the way!).

Goblin with standard

This banner was done freehand by the painting service.


I mounted the figures on steel disks, both for added stability and so they will stick to magnet-lined storage boxes.

Goblin with standard

I neglected to keep a record of what figures these were. One has now been identified as a Grenadier Goblin Command figure from the Fantasy Legends line (not known if still available, as that company is long gone and the molds sold off). If you recognize the one with the fur cloak, speak up! grin


The figure is composed of three parts: body, standard, and horn/club. I had to drill the hand out to take the horn, resulting in a very delicate connection point. Club or horn? I guessed horn, so I added some black to suggest an opening there.


I love the sculpting on the pelt.

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"Goblin standard"

The shish kabob of heads is suitably gruesome for a Goblin trophy or standard.

Photo blocked by adult filter:
"Goblin standard"

More Goblins coming soon!