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15mm Fishmen Artillerists

Fishmen Artillery & Specialists
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28 September 2000page first published

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Completing the Beastman

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Some of the most exotic releases in the field of 15mm fantasy miniatures have lately been coming from the Land Down Under - specifically, from Evil Gong Miniatures. Consequently, we were pretty excited when our first Showcase samples came in.

the pack of miniatures

The figures are packaged inside a ziploc bag, which itself is folded and stapled within a brown card.

what comes in the pack

The pack we were sent is part of the Fishmen line of figures. As with all of the packs from this manufacturer, the individual pieces have their own product code - useful for custom-ordering specific figures, if you don't want what comes in the standard packs.

What's a Fishman? These are humanoid figures with characteristic "fish" heads - an open, sucker-shaped mouth, eyes all the way on the sides of the head, and a prominent ridge running across the top of the skull. Hands and feet are wide and flat, and the hands are often webbed. The skin texture is sometimes "scaly," and sometimes simply hash-marked (more of a "fur" look).

What comes in the pack?