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Project Completion: 1:72 Scale ACW Union Army

Union Infantry
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Union Cavalry
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Union Artillery Set
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3 August 2020page first published

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American Civil War

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1:72nd ACW Infantry: On Parade

Celebrating another milestone with my Union army.

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Other Games at Council of Five Nations 2011

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian snapped some photos of games he didn't get a chance to play in at Council of Five Nations.

5,722 hits since 3 Aug 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

In this wonderful miniature wargaming hobby of ours, many of us have more dreams of future wargaming projects that we can possible fulfill, and so we have a tendency to dash from project to project.

In an effort to break that cycle of rush-rush-rush and too much self-pressure, I am trying to pause and celebrate each project as it is completed. Even if I haven't fielded it on the tabletop yet, which may have dependencies on other projects not yet completed… let's just celebrate the completion of each miniature force or faction or army or project. grin

Union army

So here's my complete (for now) Union army in 1:72nd scale, built from three plastic boxed sets.

Union army

Our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, were asked to paint the figures to match the box art, which they did.

Union army

The infantry and cavalry have both command stands (single figure/model) and fighting stands (two or more models). The idea is that any unit can be formed by combining a command stand with the appropriate number and type of fighting stands.

Union army

The five infantry command stands shown above each have a black magnetic strip, which can hold a unit label. So my force can field five infantry units so far.

Union army

I also have mounted and dismounted cavalry.

Union army

I can field one unit of mounted cavalry, since I have one command and four fighting stands.

Union army

I can also field two units of dismounted cavalry, since the set mix allowed me two dismounted command stands and five fighting stands. So not everyone can mount up at the same time! grin

Union army

For artillery, I have two guns (large and small) and one limber (and one more gun if I ever find the lost wheel!).

Union army

This is my first experience with ACW gaming in 1:72nd scale. Obviously, I also need some Confederates, and they will soon be on my workbench. I realized my Union force needs more infantry, so I have another boxed set coming as reinforcements to my workbench soon. (We'll see which gets there first!)

I'll start thinking more about scenarios once I have both forces based up. I'm just happy right now to see this little project complete. grin