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The Nuckelave

Nuckelave, the Flayed
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Elite soldiers from the First Circle, they are given the form of a centaur. The figure is lightly armored (spiked plates on back, bladed greaves, layered belly plates, shoulder plates, and a horned helmet), has a scabbarded sword, and is thrusting downwards with a halberd. The scabbard, armor plates, and helmet have lots of detail. The pose is quite dramatic and well done.

Picture courtesy Global Games

You'll want to trim flash between the legs and in the right elbow, and nubs from the hooves. Don't trim the blades on the forelegs, or the spikes in the tail - those are supposed to be there! The halberd is a separate piece, and takes some patience to fit into place (in both hands); you may want to leave it off until after painting, as it gets in the way. Our halberd's staff had a gouge in it (or possibly this is where one of the hands fits, but we didn't think so). The base is a bit small, making this figure easy to tip over on the tabletop.

This is an unusual figure, as I can't recall seeing any other rearing-centaurs-striking-downwards-with-halberds figures. I like the forepart of the figure, but have some reservations about the horse's hips (but that's hardly the focus of this figure).

52mm tall (including halberd)