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1:100 M-113s

M113 Platoon
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Suggested Retail Price
$36 USD

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Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Tow cables are also waaaaaay too shiny…
And not enough "stuff" on them, to be actual Army vehicles…

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30 November 2019page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

My Team Yankee Soviets have been delayed in reaching the tabletop, so meanwhile I managed to slip a few M-113s off to our friends in Ukraine, Old Guard Painters.


This is the plastic boxed set from Battlefront, and my instructions to the painters were simple: match what's on the box cover! grin


As with any project, though, gremlins seem to sneak in! Here's the M-113 with standard .50 cal machinegun:


It's not mentioned on the box or the manufacturer's website, but the sprues in this set allow for another option…

M-113 with alternate weapon

… and the painters gave me two models with this armament! Oh well! grin

M-113 with alternate gun

We discussed this on the forum, and if I remember rightly, it's a grenade launcher that was sometimes used.


I use magnetic storage for my models, so I chose to base these models on large Flames of War bases, with LITKO FlexSteel on the bottoms.


I'm sure there are more M-113s in my future, as I can't hold off all the Soviet hordes with one platoon of M1s, one platoon of M-113s, and two Apaches! grin


I also need to get some actual infantry figures ready for the fight! (I usually do infantry first, but I used the starter boxes this time.)


My usual preference is to have only one vehicle with the commander exposed, but I neglected to tell the painters. Mea culpa.


Soviets coming soon!