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The P FN/SLR Hat Boys

(8 figs, 3 poses)
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3 February 2000rifle identified
29 December 1999page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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the 17-13 pack

As you might suspect, the name given this pack by the manufacturer is something of a code:

P stands for Professional (well-drilled troops, as opposed to militia or less-trained regulars).

FN/SLR indicates the weapon carried. (We're not familiar with the FN/SLR per se, but the manufacturer tells us "the rifles are the FN belgian type ones," and the weapon closely resembles the Belgian FN-FAL automatic rifle, a popular gun formerly used by many NATO members.)

Hat tells us that these figures are wearing hats (bush hats) rather than helmets or berets.

photo courtesy Brookhurst Hobbies

Why the code? The whole idea is that the manufacturer wants the Modern African Wars (Peter Pig Range 17) product line - of which this set is a part - to be used for any of the various wars and rebellions of the past few decades. The 15mm scale figures represent the various types of soldiers involved, but seldom are intended to solely portray a particular nation or movement.

figures in this pack

Note: It is the style of the figures in this series to have small bases. It is not intended that these would be sufficient for the figure to stand on its own - these figures should be attached to a separate stand [not included].

The pack contains eight figures in a mix of three poses: