These are some Israeli soldiers that are joining my modern forces.

I've been a huge fan of the Main Force line of infantry since I first saw them – I prefer my infantry in fighting positions, rather than marching!

The line is currently manufactured by Magister Militum. I probably picked mine up from Great Hall Games, which carries them in the U.S.
I think the intent of the range is to provide infantry pieces for 1 figure = 1 man skirmish gaming. There are rectangular pieces with four infantry figures, and square pieces with mortar teams, missile teams, and commanders. The mix in the bag is designed to provide enough for a typical unit.

In my case, however, I am making infantry stands for a larger scale game. Each of my stands are 3mm thick and 1" square (from Litko), and most of them have the same three pieces glued down to them: riflemen, ATGM stand, and mortar stand, representing an infantry unit.

After the pieces were glued down, I filled in the gaps with putty to make it look cohesive. I then painted the figures, washed with black ink to bring out details, and drybrushed with tan to give a "dusty" look.

Lastly, I applied glue to the stands and dipped them in a container of sand. The edges of each base are painted Israeli Armor Sand.

I made one stand into a command stand, using the commander piece instead of the mortar and ATGM pieces.

I believe the Israeli pieces are the same as the American infantry pieces, since both armies use the same equipment, so these infantry can serve for either nation.
The Main Force infantry can be bought individually or in sets. I bought the Israeli Mechanized Company set, which means I have a lot of leftover pieces due to the game scale I am played at; I will buy individual pieces next time, when I add to my force.