Another unit has rolled off the assembly line, ready for the Beastmen hordes!

If you're looking for the 'beastmen' on the Ral Partha Europe website, look for Demonworld Classic, then Icelords of Isthak, and you'll find them.

This unit comes with a leader, standardbearer, and three poses of Beastmen.

The name of this pack is Brothers of the Ice Lord. Without looking it up in the Isthak sourcebook for DemonWorld, I would assume these are bigger, buffer Beastmen than the other packs.

I chose to put the leader and standardbearer on the same base, to form a command stand for the unit.

It seems like most of the standards in this army have a human victim on a pole – I guess the Beastmen don't like them!

These figures were painted by our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises.

The Beastmen in the catalog are painted in arctic colors, but my instructions in general for the painters were:
Beastmen – red-brown fur, orange face/snout, red eyes, yellow-white teeth, orange hands, black hooves. Metal weapons: dull steel with black hilts. Bags: brown and tan.
You can see those other Beastmen here.
But for these troops, I said:
Elite troops. Fur: dark brown. Horns red. Metal/chainmail/shoulder plates: shiny. Black belt. Bag: black.

The red on the horns is hard to see unless you're looking straight down on the figures, but it's there.

For the standardbearer, my instructions were:
Standardbearer: Brass pole, dead body on pole in silver armor with blood stains, blue cape, feathered headdress. Axe: bright steel. Skulls: bone.

I think the painters didn't understand that I wanted colored feathers, not steel feathers. I should have been more clear in my instructions.

You can see the cape in the back:

For the leader, my instructions were:
General: Skull on head – bone with black horn.

And they gave me a leader wearing a 'bone'-colored skull cap with black horn, exactly what I asked for.

And to explain the process once more:
- I send the unpainted figures to the painting service, along with my written instructions
- They paint sample figures, and send pictures for approval
- On approval of the test figure, they paint all of the figures to match the approved figure
- They mail the painted figures back to me
- I glue the figures to Mighty Armies 1" x 2" plastic bases (which I paint orange for this army)
- I use spackle to smooth the figures into the bases, paint the dried spackle brown, and glue flock to the base tops
- I seal the finished troops with a matte spray coat
- I add LITKO FlexSteel to the bottoms. It is adhesive. This means when I put the figures in a magnet-lined box for storage and transport, the figures won't shift around as much

The catalog says the pack comes with 32 figures. I got lucky with 34 figures. (There's an extra two-figure stand in the unit.)