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1:100 US Parachute Rifle Platoon

Open Fire!
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Tgunner writes:

They did an excellent job painting the division patches and they even got the US flag turned the right way. Very nice brush work.

Revision Log
28 August 2020page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

A while ago, I picked up the Flames of War boxed starter set, Open Fire!. The contents include a parachute rifle platoon, and here they are:

US parachute rifle platoon

You can't buy Open Fire! any more, but the replacement Hit the Beach! seems to be pretty much the same thing, with a different product code but same cover pic.

US parachute rifle platoon

The figures are plastic. This is a stiff plastic, so the gun barrels aren't bendy and warp issues are rare.

US parachute rifle platoon

These figures were painted by our friends in Ukraine, Old Guard Painters. I provided them with the painting information from the boxed set, and asked them to follow those directions.

US parachute rifle platoon

When the figures came back, I based them, flocked the bases, and added FlexSteel on the bottoms for storage purposes. (LITKO sells FlexSteel pre-cut to Flames of War base sizes.)

Command SMG Team/HQ Section/Lieutenant

Command SMG Team

One of the things I really like about the instructions in this set is that they tell you specifically which figure goes on which base. In my mind, that's what a starter set should do. Make it as hard as possible for a newbie to screw it up!

Command SMG Team

I recently wrote an article about photographing miniatures – compare two photos of the same stand, same lighting, different cameras!

Command SMG Team

I also noticed a tendency for the pictures to come out with uniforms more gray than reality – so don't criticize the painting service, it's the photographer! grin

Command SMG Team

Note that the directions tell you which figures go on which base, but not how to place them. The figures on this base are officer (front), radio operator (left), and NCO (right).

Rifle Squad/Sergeant

This is one of three rifle squads in the platoon. It consists of two bases: one with an NCO, and one with a machinegun team.

Rifle squad base with sergeant

This is the Rifle/MG Team stand with the sergeant/NCO. He is second to the left. The other figures are riflemen.

Rifle squad base with sergeant

Notice the insignia on the figures? The American flag even has discernible stripes.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

This is the Rifle/MG Team base with the machinegunner.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

The gunner is on the back right; the loader is on the far left. The other figures are riflemen.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

Rifle Squad/Sergeant

Rifle squad base with sergeant

This is the second rifle squad, composed again of two Rifle/MG Teams (one with sergeant, one with machinegun).

Rifle squad base with sergeant

This is the base with the sergeant (he is the one in front). The others are riflemen.

Rifle squad base with sergeant

The bottoms of these figures fit into holes in the bases. There is often a small gap between the figure and the base. Normally, I fill in this gap, but for this platoon, I wanted to see if they would look OK if I just flocked the base, filling the gap with the same white glue used for the flock. (I'll go back to using filler on the gaps in the future!)

Rifle squad base with machinegun

The machinegun team comes as one piece, and was slightly warped. I used clamps to hold it down while I glued it to the base. I used filler to take care of gaps. The front tripod leg is still riding high.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

The other two figures are riflemen.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

Rifle Squad/Sergeant

Rifle squad base with sergeant

Third rifle squad, pretty much same as the last one.

Rifle squad base with sergeant

This is the team with the sergeant/NCO (second to the left).

Rifle squad base with sergeant

And here is the base with the machinegun team:

Rifle squad base with machinegun

Again, the machinegun team (one piece) was warped, and I used clamps when gluing it to the base to straighten it out.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

I used filler and flock to mask any gaps. For instance, the loader's left hand is levitating, but the flock helps hide that.

Rifle squad base with machinegun

Mortar Squad/Corporal

60mm mortar team

The mortar squad includes two stands. This is the 60mm mortar team.

60mm mortar team

The nature of the basing system means you can't put any figure close to the mortar. (I don't know if that's realistic or not.)

Bazooka team

The other stand in this squad is a bazooka team.

Bazooka team

And that's the platoon!

Bazooka team

The starter set also includes a British armoured squadron, which should be on my workbench soon…