With the Simian Army Project for Hundred Kingdoms nearing completion, I've begun thinking about storage and transport for the army.
The final army will consist of 2 small figures (chimp messengers), 3 "normal size" 28mm figures (the general and the senators), 43 large figures (legionaires, javelineers, and the centurion), and 1 extra-large figure (the giant gor).
Fortunately, I have a transport case on hand... I was saving it for my Orks, but since they're not painted up yet...

As I recall, these cases were specially created by Charon Productions for Games Workshop - and are no longer on the market (replaced by newer models).

Unzipping the large front panel and opening it, you can see that the interior is filled with layers of foam (the exact mix depends on which case variant you order - or you can order extra foam layers, which is what I have).

Now I've removed the outer foam, and you can see the niches available for storage.

The layer with the "standard" size niches will work fine for most 28mm figures, but the majority of the Simians are too big!

Fortunately, I have some layers with larger niches - for larger figures!

However, not even the larger niches will hold the giant gor! In that case, I'll use two "eggcrate" style layers that mesh together to hold big figures (or vehicles, if I had any).