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MEA Infantry Squad [BEvo]

MEA Infantry Squad
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$29.95 USD

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SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP writes:

ScifiGamer said:

Besides, I'll be playing with these miniatures way before I get to all of the unpainted stuff I've got

…which is the biggest selling feature for pre-paints, and I whole-heartednly agree. As an aside I too am relatively new to moderns, but I'm new enough that the pull isn't as strong as if this were, say, WWII minis.

In fact, I really, REALLY want Mongoose to succeed in this initial release because I want them to tackle WWII next.

For moderns, a few squads and I'm set. I'm not interested in any of the vehicles (unless they are transports of some sort). My interest is in low-level skirmish actions. So for a few squads … I'll wait until the quality improves to the point where I don't need to touch-up anything.

But if this were for WWII then I would be looking at buying armies. For that, I would probably have picked up a bunch of wave one, just to support them so they could improve in the next wave, and the next.

I do wish them success!

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7 March 2007page first published

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The good folks at Mongoose were kind enough to send along some of their new pre-painted sets for Battlefield Evolution - and since there has been a lot of interest in the game, I wanted to get some photos up here on TMP.

The Middle Eastern Alliance [MEA]

The people of the Middle East have a long and proud history, riddled by the predations of other countries. While possessing little home-grown military technology of their own, they have never lacked for support and if sheer strength of will counts for anything on the modern battlefield, they may be unbeatable. The average Middle Eastern fighter lacks the training, equipment and support of his Western counterpart but is fiercely dedicated to his way of life and when cluster bombs start falling upon his town, will prove to be an intractable enemy.

Never giving an inch to an invader, the men and women of the MEA have vowed to defeat their oppressors... they are staunch defenders of their ideals, capable of giving any attacker a bloody nose.

MEA Infantry Squad

The first set available for the MEA are their "average" infantry squad, armed with AK-103 assault rifles and RPG-29's.

Standing MEA infantry

The boxed set comprises four standing and four kneeling figures.

Kneeling MEA infantry

One of the standing figures is unique, and - given his dramatic black robes - is probably the leader.

Leader (front)
leader (back)

The other standing figures look to be identical figures to me, but with different paint schemes:

Three MEA infantry (front)
Three MEA infantry (back)

Three of the kneeling figures also look to be identical, but with differing clothing and headgear colors:

Three kneeling MEA infantry
Kneeling MEA infantry close-up

A unique kneeling figure bears the RPG-29:

Kneeling MEA infantry with RPG

The figures are molded from a plastic that is fairly stiff. The base bottoms are smooth, with no identification information.