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Tribal Berserk with Blades/Spikes

Tribal Berserk with Blades/Spikes
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Suggested Retail Price
$4.00 AUD


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12 August 2008page first published

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15mm Blemmyes from East Riding

Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian says, "I can do better than that!" Let's see how he does with these 15mm Blemmyes from East Riding Miniatures.

5,026 hits since 12 Aug 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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I wonder if the berserks are so - well, berserk - that they need to have their weapons strapped on?

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"Tribal Berserk with Blades/Spikes"

Here we have a young lady with a blade strapped to her right arm, and spikes on her left arm. (Yes, the name of the figure says "blades" but I only see one.)

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"Tribal Berserk with Blades/Spikes"

She is also wearing a thong with a lengthy loincloth, decorated with (metal?) bangles and a pair of somethings (they're painted here as skulls, which is as good a guess as any).

Tribal Berserk with Blades/Spikes

And she has the mask, the long hair, and the toothed necklace that seem to go with being a Tribal berserk.