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Maidens of the Blade #1


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20 December 1999page split off
10 October 1999page first published

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7,631 hits since 5 Jan 2000
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warrior wears a lined fur cloak, a large left-shoulder pad, armlet on upper left arm, gauntlets, boots with kneeguards, and loincloth hanging from belt about her hips. A decorative Earth Mother symbol hangs over the loins, suspended from straps around the neck, and itself suspending a large tassel. Another decoration hangs around the neck, composed of a chain and fur (with animal claws cupping the breasts). Stomach and thighs are bare. Short hair. Sword with simple decoration on lower blade.

Seams occasionally visible (in hair, for instance), but minor. Two large scraps need to be trimmed from sword hilt. Don't miss trimming the small tap between the figure's legs.

Figure is 30mm tall (from top of head to bottom of boot). One per boxed set.