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Tribal Command #2

Tribal Command #2
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Suggested Retail Price
$15.00 AUD


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22 May 2009page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Most of the Tribals are sold as single figures, but this set of three figures is an exception.

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"Banner bearer"

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"Banner bearer"

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"Banner bearer"

This figure appears to be making a war cry while holding aloft a banner of sorts. She wears a loinskirt (with bangles) and an animal pelt, a necklace of tusks, a fur wrap on one wrist, and cloth armbands, and holds a blade. The totem on the banner is a female entity on a cloth backing, with metal bangles tied where its lower body would go.

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The second warrior is blowing a horn, perhaps signaling the time to attack! She is armed with a spear and a shield; she is dressed fashionably with a loincloth/belt and shoulder wrap, fur ankle wraps, a metal bracelet, and some bangles.

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The third figure must be a leader, given the title of this pack, and is in the act of yelling and waving her shield. She wears a loincloth with a network of straps, a necklace of many tusks, and a metal bracelet. She carries a war mace, in addition to the blades strapped to each thigh.