How far would you go to 'save' or 'rehabilitate' old or outdated minis from your lead pile?
The minis you're seeing in this article are 15mm Half-Orcs from the old Jacobite fantasy line. This range has long been unavailable, with varying claims about who owns the rights.
The problem with these particular minis is that the spears were so bendy that they broke off. So what do I do with unpainted minis with broken-off spears?
I thought about replacing the spears, but when I tried to drill out the hands… well, it didn't go well.
So I thought – hey, it's just a game! I'll cut-down the spears, call them javelins, and go from there!
So I prepped the figures and sent them off to our friends in Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises, with these instructions:
Lime-green skin. Hair: black. Clothing/boots: browns and grays. Armor: Black/dark gray. Chainmail/weapons: dull metallic. Belts: red. Weapon shafts: red. Eyes: red. Horns on helmets: white. Dark-looking army. Shields (only) gloss. Pikes are red with metallic tips. Shield is black with red center, red rays from center. Boars – see photo enclosed.
When the painted figures came back from the painting service, I attached them to Mighty Armies 2" x 2" bases (painted green), contoured and flocked the bases, and added LITKO FlexSteel to the bottom (for magnetic storage).

I had one command figure from another pack (also missing a weapon!), so I made an optional command stand with him leading some warriors.

I had another figure that no longer had any weapon at all. I started to convert him to a bannerbearer, thought better of it, and now he's an optional commander too (with a fist!).

The Half-Orcs are riding giant boars:

The Half-Orcs in this range have a distinctive face:

Sadly, the painters didn't do the 'rays' I wanted on the shields. I probably should have included a sketch of what I wanted.

I think the painters did a fine job on what are truly some 'old school' minis!

These figures will never win any awards, but hey – my Half-Orc army is growing!