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FWSV11 - Parts of the Transporter

Hvy Transporter with flatbed trailer (2)
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13 March 2001page first published

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Each pack contains two complete vehicles. Each vehicle is composed of four parts:

  • truck
  • trailer
  • rear wheels
  • rear ramp
parts of the transporter

The truck has eight wheels - four "light duty" tires in front, and four "oversize" tires to the back. There is a spare tire on the rear deck. There's marking on the roof that could be construed as a roof hatch, possibly allowing crew members to fire small arms at overhead foes.

The trailer is pretty much a standard flatbed trailer, with ribbing to give traction for vehicles driving on and off. There is another spare tire at the front of the trailer.

The rear wheels are a set of four wheels that attach beneath the rear of the trailer.

The ramp is what allows vehicles to drive on and off the transporter. It comes as a separate piece, allowing the gamer to decide how to pose it.

The parts in our sample pack were crisply molded, with virtually no flash and only minor bits of excess metal to be trimmed away. The rear wheels piece needs some work, since there is a metal connection between the wheels - necessary in the casting process, but not needed now. Just clip it off, apply some quick filework to clean up any rough edges, then hand-straighten the wheels.

the rear wheels before and after - untrimmed (left) and cleaned up (right)

There's also a small glop of metal you might want to clip off the back of the truck. A similar "shelf" sticks out the end of the trailer - it looks like it's supposed to somehow support the ramp, but you may need to clip it off depending on what you do with the ramp. And speaking of the ramp, our sample had a ragged edge on one of the four sides (a little work with a file with improve this, but more work would be required to completely smooth out the edge).

Our sample trailer had developed a minor curve when popped out of the mold, but this was easy to fix with some gentle hand-bending.

flaw in one of our samples

One of our samples had a casting flaw, resulting in a hole through the middle of the truck piece. (Easily fixed with a little patchwork from below.)