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Mitsubishi AM-6M "Zero"

Mitsubishi AM-6M "Zero"
(2 per pack)
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18 December 1999page split off
8 October 1999page redesigned
4 July 1999page first published

Areas of Interest

World War Two in the Air

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5,782 hits since 6 Jan 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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What's been attempted here is to provide the basic shape of the Zero - fuselage, wings, tail, canopy, spinner. That's about it. The surface is smooth, with no scribing or surface detail. The planes come 2 per pack. There is no hole for a flight stand.

My samples - I bought three packs - all had a ragged, unfinished look around the edges of the wings and tail, as well as a seam almost but not quite on the trailing edge of the wings. A little filing took care of this.

Most had a large stub of metal attached to the tail, which I was able to cut off with snippers. This leaves a mark on the tail which is difficult to remove, but may not be noticeable. There is also a seam along the fuselage sides, between the spinner and the wing roots, and the wing roots and the tail - this can be filed down.

The right and left wings don't quite match. This is a subtle defect that most players may never notice, but the left wing is slightly in front of the right wing.

The bottom line: These guys will do fine as playing pieces, but they're not going to be the centerpiece of your display. On the other hand, if you play WWII in the Pacific you'll need a lot of Zeros, and the lack of detailing means these should paint up fast.

32mm length x 36mm width x 7mm height