My ACW naval adventure continues with this model of a Union revenue cutter, the Reliance.

I finished painting this model, then realized I had forgotten which ship she represented. Then I checked the Bay Area Yards catalog, and it wasn't listed there either. Fortunately, Stephen Taylor at Bay Area Yards identified it as the Reliance. (The model is no longer available.)

The Reliance was a wooden screw steamer built in 1860, and purchased by the US Revenue-Marine in 1861. She was part of what became known as the Potomac Flotilla, patrolling the rivers, engaging with Confederate shore batteries, and coming to the aid of other river vessels.

Her career came to an end when she was boarded and captured by the rebels, and destroyed to prevent recapture.

The ship is modeled with one gun forward, and another gun on the stern.

This model was so easy to paint, she actually was finished before another ship on my workbench! Black hull, white superstructure and trim, tan decks, gray roof on the wheelhouse, black dot on top of the smokestack to represent an opening.

I'm not sure now why I put her on such a large base! I painted the base to match my river terrain color, glued the painted model in place, then added artist gel to give the base a watery look (including some ripples). But the base, though now completely dry, is a bit of a dust magnet and needs to be wiped down with a damp paper towel occasionally.