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Reader Pat Ripley reports:
Hot news - Cheap buys - Reinforcements found
Zhengdefu brand 1:48 armour
$6.95 AUD
Made in China
Spurred on by TMP’s search for cheap goodies, I was scouring the local Clint’s (think Wal-mart, for you Yankees) here in Australia.
I almost fell over when I saw these babies. Looked at it, put it down, picked it up, looked again…could it be?
Paid for it, ran outside and tore the shrink wrapping off…cool!
Contents included two sprues, rubber tracks, motor, gears and instructions.
First impressions:
Fair casting compared to say Academy or Tamiya, and much better than what I was expecting for the price. There is plenty of fine detail here.
The vehicle on the box cover is not the one inside, but the one on the sprues is pretty good.
The 25mm barrel and accessories (shovel/ammo boxes) are average (use the spares bin for these).
Other kits which were in the store were:
- Challenger (brit)
- Merkava (israeli)
- M60A1 marine version (US)
- Marder (germany)
- AMX 30 (frenchies)
- Leopard 2 (germany)
- T-90 (Russia)
- M1a1 abrams (US)
On the back of the box, it says: "You will find other true scale models as well as an extensive accessory in the catalogue." Where? Aaaaaagh!
What to do with it?
Well, Brittania Miniatures has just released a range of 28mm Mogadishu figures. Other manufacturers have near future ranges.
Shadowforge has a great range of 28 mm female marines who are in desperate need of some transport.
Most SF builders have spare gun mounts floating around (heavy bolters/ autocannon) - make an APC.
It could be a great kit for the research maniacs out there to detail.