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Fort Asteroid

Asteroid Defence Installation - Gun
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5 April 2000page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tired of the same old ships vs. ships scenarios? Well, Brigade Models has come to the rescue with their new Asteroid Defence Installation - Gun. (That's the name in the catalog, though our sample was labeled Asteroid Gun Platform...)

The "rock" is simply a lumpy asteroid with a few details added-on: a gun platform, a "control tower" (?) nearby, and four "sensors" (square studs around the sides). A hole in the bottom is the right size to accomodate a flight stand (not included). The turret is square-shaped with two gun barrels.

asteroid and turret pieces

The model consists of two pieces: hull and turret. The pieces connect using a peg-and-hole arrangement. Fit is excellent. In theory, the turret can face in any direction - but in practice, you may want the guns to face either of the four sides (the guns ride up on the foundation "corner stones" if pointed diagonally, preventing the turret from sitting flat).

top view

The model has no major flaws, and only a few minor problems:

  • The panels on top of the turret are slightly crooked.
  • There is a slight seam around the turret, and the back of the turret is a bit rough (could use some file work)
  • There are some odd spots on the asteroid itself - flat ledges, round bulges - that might be casting imperfections, but could just as easily paint up as man-made features.

Tony Francis of Brigade explains: "The odd casting imperfection on the hull of the asteroid is because the model is very rough on the mould and does tend to break off little bits of rubber here and there. This is a model we'll have to remould quite often to avoid the castings getting too dog-eared."

front view

Officially this model is designed for use with 1/3000 scale Full Thrust starships. But as a practical matter, this asteroid looks good in any scale - just imagine the turret to house anything from small robotic guns to massive star-destroying plasma projectors.

asteroid gun platform shown with SMITE and Night Hawk fighters

Completed asteroid measures 25mm long x 20mm wide x 11mm tall. Flight stand not included. Shown for comparison are Iron Crown's Night Hawk and Musashi Enterprises' SMITE fighters. A missile-turreted version of the asteroid is also available.