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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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When the Soviets began to take the offensive in WWII, work was authorized on a self-propelled artillery mounting to be based on the existing KV tank chassis. In March 1943, the first SU-152 came off the production line.
Three-piece kit (hull and two tracks). Model measures 8 cm long (including gun) x 3.3 cm wide x 2.6 cm high. Hull is identical to the KV-1C model described above, except that a six-sided casemate is built over the hull front. The casemate details include vision block, simplified handrails, and three roof hatches (two round, one square).
The casemate-to-hull transition has some minor imperfections, not easily fixable. Gun is flat-ended, not bored. Track pieces are identical to those described for the KV-1C model above.
This SU-152 is easily built, and makes a good representation of this self-propelled gun.