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Desert Crusader #1

Desert Crusaders
(2 poses per pack)
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23 December 1999page first published

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One of two figures in the Desert Crusaders pack, this warrior is posed as if ready to spring into action - with feet apart, sword thrusting forward, and cape swept out by a sudden gust of wind.

The figure wears armor over the torso and upper legs, composed of a breatplate-and-skirts arrangement with a large belt at the waist. The lower armor is studded. The smooth upper chest and circular belt clasp provide room for decoration. Beneath the short armor "skirts," the model has flowing "arab"-style cloth skirts down to the calves. The lower legs/ankles under the skirts are armored, as are the boots.

The shoulder pads are of the oversized variety, with studs to front and back, and large "crenelation"-style projections along the top. The helm is bullet-shaped with an eye slit, more crenelations along the crest, a forehead stud, and a triangular grooved snout (the "desert filter"). A knotted scarf fills the gap between helm and body.

This Crusader carries a small round shield, decorated with three studs and a raised design resembling two crenelations divided by a rising flame. The sword, a "straightsword" in game terms, is solidly functional (the only ornamentation being some grooves on the grip).

The cape flows down the back of the figure, and seems to fasten by connecting under the shoulder pads. The creases are few but deep, and the cape tapers to an acceptably thin edge. On the figure's left, it reaches over the upper arm to connect with a stud to the waist belt. The right arm seems to be bare, but with three stud-ended straps hanging from the shoulder pad. A large metal bracelet is worn on the right wrist.

When cleaning this figure, be sure to watch out for small bits of excess metal on the sword hilt, among the shield studs, on the skirt hem, and on the boot tips - these are easily knocked off, but also easily missed. A small blob on the sword tip is easily trimmed.

Most of the seams are well-disguised or in areas that are easily reachable (the crenelations, the helm). The only seam that might be troublesome to remove is the lefthand seam as it crosses the front of the shoulder pad, and again as it crosses the skirts. (Fortunately, this is a minor seam.)

Figure is 30mm tall from boot bottoms to top of helm. Consists of metal figure plus plastic slottabase.