This was my first time building one of Battlefront's BMP-1 plastic kits, so I decided to focus on one model rather than a unit's worth of vehicles. So I built this one as a BMP-1 Observation Post (i.e., forward observer).

This model is available in various boxed sets, and I'm not sure which particular box this model came out of. It builds either a BMP-1 or BMP-2.

I built and painted the model as subassemblies: lower hull and tracks, upper hull, and turret. My least favorite part was the way the gun attaches to the turret; seems like this is a weak point destined to snap off when the model is handled.

As is my practice, I based the model on a 3mm wooden base from LITKO, then put FlexSteel on the bottom for storage purposes.

I left the ATGM off, as the Observation Post is not allowed that weapon, but I left the firing rail in place.

I gave this model a 'clean' look (quite unlike the Storms I painted previously), figuring that an observation vehicle might be maintained to a higher standard.
I had trouble getting the decal to release from the decal sheet, but it worked fine once it did.
I tried the magnet option for mounting the turret, and I like this a lot better than the 'peg and hole' system.