Quite some time ago, our good friend Beowulf painted up these Soviet aircraft for the TMP collection. These models come from C-in-C's 1:285th scale Micro Squadron line.

After the models arrived, I added magnets to the planes so that they could be used with magnet-topped flight stands.

I also – after a long pause! – made some storage stands for them, using craft store wooden dowels and Litko wooden bases and Flexible Steel adhesive base bottoms.

I also gave the planes a protective coat of flat matte spray. I don't notice it in person, but in the photos, some of the models look dusty – probably my fault, it's not dust, maybe I overdid the spray.

I believe the models come in three pieces: fuselage, wings, and propeller. The cockpit and guns are cast on.

The models come with surplus props, which is useful because the pieces are delicate and easily bent. If you're worried about the prop blades breaking off, you could just clip them off, glue the prop hub in place, and say the prop is spinning… (or use an acrylic disk for the prop).

C-in-C models are often packed in clear plastic boxes, with paper labels inside to identify the contents. I took some of those labels and glued them to my storage bases for identification.