I've been trying to get into Spartan Games' Firestorm: Armada (I never met a space game I didn't like), so I picked up their Relthoza fleet box. Included in this set is one battleship, three cruisers, and six frigates.

I didn't care much for the painting scheme from the box cover, so I read some of the background and found that this race was supposed to be insectile or arachnid. So I searched on the internet until I found a photo I liked - of a yellow-and-black spider - and I told the painting service (Blue Table Painting) to "be inspired" for the fleet color scheme.
They've now completed the commission, and while the models are in shipping, here are the photos they've provided of their work:

The cost of this commissioned work would normally be $155 USD, including assembly of the models, and shipping (from Utah to New York).
I'll take more detailed photos when the models arrive here in the office.