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WWII in 2mm

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18 December 1999converted to Miva
8 October 1999redesigned
30 November 1998page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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There have been a number of large-scale, "big picture" WWII rulesets out lately - Great Battles of World War Two, DivTac, Piquet: Point of Attack (when played in grand tactical mode) - and it has always seemed to me that these big scale games should be played with very small figures, something that didn't look too disproportionate to the ground scale. Hence, these samples from Irregular have arrived at just the right time, because I've been curious what 2mm scale WWII figures were all about.

the package from Irregular

First, let me explain that 2mm figures are roughly one-third the size of what is sometimes called "microarmor" scale (usually 1/285 scale in the US, 1/300 or 6mm in the UK). So we're talking tweezer-sized tanks here. That would seem unplayable on the face of it, but with large-scale games it's assumed that you are putting several vehicles on a base, so it should actually work out fine. (It also gives you the chance to build a "diorama" out of each base, using the mix of men and vehicles to represent an infantry company, for instance.)

A pile of 2mm infantry

The next fact to be observed is that in many cases, the men or vehicles already come mounted several to a base (or on a strip). Of course, if you still want individuals, it is easy enough to snip them off.

Also, generally speaking, the items are generic - an anti-tank gun is an anti-tank gun. Period. You don't buy paratroops or motorized infantry or cossacks. In fact, you don't even buy Germans or Americans or Japanese. You just buy the item, and depend on the paint job to state its nationality. (Tanks are the sole exception, and even here there isn't a lot of choice.)

Now I know that a lot of you want to know: How hard are they to paint? How do they work on the game table? How do you base them? Well, I could make up something, but fact is I don't know yet. I'll keep you posted...