I'm working on putting together two AK47 (Peter Pig) Modern African armies together - and to speed things along, I'm painting one army myself, and having the other painted by Fernando Painters.
Even though I gave myself quite a head-start, the professional painters from Sri Lanka have already finished their painting task, and I am sorting through the boxes and bags they have sent me, basing figures, etc.
Here are the painting instructions I provided:
1 x Pack 17-15: Unimog Truck
Vehicle interior and exterior: Soviet green (faded)
Tires: grey (worn)
Canvas top: green, patched, dirty
And here is the completed truck:

I'll mount this fellow on a metal base (for ease of storage and transport), and he's ready to go. I might touch up around the hubcap on the right front tire, and maybe I should paint the headlamps...?