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fred12df's Entry for Intimidation Doubled

Amazon Warrior Mounted
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£5.00 GBP

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Minidragon Fezian writes:

I really like that blue! Nice colors!

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13 October 2009page first published

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fred12df presents his Intimidation Doubled entry:

The figure and horse required little preparation work, before undercoating with white spray. I based the horse on a slightly wider MDF base than the narrow plastic one that came with the model. For initial painting, I mounted the rider on a large nail - she'd be glad she was metal at this stage!

I block painted the main colours quite quickly, using thinned paint, which gave some immediate shading over the white basecoat. I painted all the armour black at this stage, to act as a dark base for Boltgun Metal, then silver.

I got rather stuck in the middle stages over colours - often a problem I find with non-uniformed figures, which is perhaps why I generally paint military figures, and have lots of part-painted fantasy figures around. Finally settled on blue for the shield, plume and saddle cloth. And a red brown for the leather - I wanted something that would stand out from the brown of the horse.

I did a couple more sessions of painting to add some washes for shading and some highlights - with an attempt at painting the eyes of the rider, and give some highlights in the horse's eyes.

Had a bit of a play with some basing options, from a basing pack I had had sitting around for some time.

Finally took some photos - which as always shows up far more detail than the eye sees.

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