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Vought F-4U Corsair

Vought F-4U Corsair
(2 per pack)
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18 December 1999page first published
8 October 1999page redesigned
4 July 1997page first published

Areas of Interest

World War Two in the Air

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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A step up from the Zero in terms of what's been attempted, this plane includes such details as the tail wheel, engine exhausts, wing and tail scribing, and canopy scribing. The bottomside (like the Zero) is smoothly featureless - with no hole for a flight stand.

Again, the edges of wings and tail needed filing, but a lot less work than the Zero needed. There's a seam running down the side of the fuselage, minor and treatable. The rear tip of the fuselage becomes a bit undefined, and definitely needs some minor filing and trimming (though, until I get my hands back on my reference books, I'm not sure what and where to trim...).

I have to say this is a good, solid, basic model of the Corsair. I'm looking forward to painting these up.

37mm length x 41mm width x 9mm height