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Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in Enviro Battle Suits

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16 July 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I enjoyed painting the Cyclos Heavy Weapons Team, so I decided to paint more convict infantry!

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

One challenge when taking painting projects from Ye Olde Lead Pile is that the old packs are often not the same as the new packs. So I've discovered that while these figures are still offered by the manufacturer, they are no longer sold as a set. From what I can tell, what they have in common is that they are all equipped with heavy weapons, and all are wearing Enviro Battle Suits (EBS).

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

According to my notes, this is a Cyclo ESWF. F could be flamethrower? Looks like one to me…

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

The same figure is now available as one of three figures in the Cyclos Heavy Weapons Team in EBS I set, described in the catalog as "This team is fully equipped with Chain Guns." So chain gun, not a flamethrower.

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

My notes tell me this one is a Cyclo ESWRR. RR might mean recoilless rifle…

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

And in fact, the same figure is now in the Cyclos Heavy Weapons Team in EBS III set, described in the catalog as: "Recoilless Rifles give this team plenty of hitting power."

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

The easy part about painting these figures is that I simply followed the previous paint scheme. Convicts in yellow seems traditional.

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

My notes tell me this is a Cyclo ESWCG. CG might stand for chain gun…

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

This figure is currently available in the Cyclos Heavy Weapons Team in EBS II set, described as "Heavy Flamers equip this team." So flamers, not chain guns.

Cyclos Heavy Weapons Teams in EBS

This plus my previous project gives me six Cyclos with heavy weapons. I would think I need just plain Cyclos grunts next, or maybe some control officers, but we'll see what the Old Lead Pile coughs up!