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The Red Chinese

Communist Chinese Riflemen Firing
(5 unique figures)
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18 December 1999page split off
8 October 1999page redesigned
26 October 1997illustrations added
8 July 1997packs identified
4 July 1997page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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This pack consists of five riflemen in quilted uniforms, with pouch-belts slung over their shoulders. Four wear leather headgear with fur trim in front; the fifth wears different headgear, without ear protection with with more fur trim. Some have what looks to be a cloth ring slung over their shoulder (blanket roll?).

    white-primed figure
  1. Soldier with rifle raised to fire [slung loop]
    white-primed figure
  2. Soldier with rifle at hip [different headgear, large bag on hip]
    white-primed figure
  3. Soldier tossing grenade [two more stick grenades on his belt]
    white-primed figure
  4. Kneeling soldier, ready to fire [slung loop]
    white-primed figure
  5. Kneeling soldier, glancing down [large bag on hip]

Figures required virtually no clean-up (I trimmed micro-nubs off one head and the tossing grenade - 2 seconds work). Seams are minimal, but occasionally become visible on shoulders or headgear (and are probably best left alone); the tossing grenade in our sample had prominent seams but was easily filed.

The sculpting, proportions, and posing are very good - the only figure which looks weak to my eyes is the "wimpy" grenade tosser (but maybe he's only lobbing it a few yards?). They certainly look like they belong on a battlefield. My only quibbles - why is the soldier with the raised rifle shooting downwards (hunting for rats?)? and the kneeling glancer very much looks like he's tracking someone, nice pose for skirmish fighting but will look odd in those "human wave attacks." (Oh well, one size does not fit all...and not every figure is right for every occasion...)

But all in all, these are outstanding figures in terms both of design and quality of production.

22mm tall (from foot to top of head, standing figures, average)