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AK47 15mm Militia with Rifles

Militia with Bolt-Action Rifles
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Suggested Retail Price
£2.30 GBP

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Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Remember this is collector not showcase quality. Still, not as nice as the pictures I've been getting on my 15mm Prussians. In all fairness though those are being done to the highest level.

This is one of those cases where some kind of picture or sample would have helped.

I agree that the skin tone does not look very well done.

As to the directions I left nothing to chance on what I sent and it paid off. They did miss a few things but the corrections have been performed quickly and accurately so far.

Revision Log
5 August 2008page first published

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As I mentioned last time, Fernando Painters are painting up a Dictatorship boxed army set (Collector quality) for AK47 from Peter Pig. (I'm painting an opposing army set.)

Two of the units in the Dictatorship army are made up of Militia - low-grade infantry. Since militia are ill-equipped, the stands will hold a mix of rifle-armed and AK47-armed figures.

The directions I gave for the force in general:

Dark black skin (African)
Random assortment of worn blue jeans/levi's (weathered blue); about 1 in five with "jungle camo" pants.
Red "T-shirts" (even on the "bare-chested" figures)
Random greys, browns
Random greys, browns
Bare. If boots, grey.
Figures from Fernando

The figures arrived in a well-packed box, with each pack of figures in its own ziploc bag, and each individual figure also in its own ziploc bag.

Bolt-rifle armed militia

Here, I've gone ahead and glued the painted figures down to steel bases.

Bolt-rifle armed militia (three similar poses)

The pack contains eight figures in four poses. Three of the poses are quite similar, except for equipment (one has a sheathed knife; one has an ammo bag). The left-most figure lost some paint in shipping (easily touched up).

Bolt-rifle armed militia (pose 2)

Now, I did request in my painting instructions that the figures have T-shirts "painted on" - but when Fernando sent the photos of the painted figures for my approval, I missed out on correcting that. Also, no "jungle pants" here - maybe in one of the other packs...