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Chaos Gets a Shaft

Skull Obelisk
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Suggested Retail Price
US$9.00 (North America)
US$12.00 (elsewhere)

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18 December 1999converted to Miva
12 October 1999page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Terraform is the "low cost gaming terrain" division of Armorcast, a company long known for their large-scale resin vehicle models. Judging on what the game stores stock in my neck of the woods, the Terraform line has made it into most of the stores and seems to be doing quite well.

product pack

The Skull Obelisk comes bagged and tagged for hanging on a store hook. It's made out of an ivory-colored resin which seems durable and not brittle. The resin has a little bit of a scent to it, so I usually keep the pieces closed up in a box or other storage container until I'm ready to work on them. (The smell disappears completely once you prime the items.)

the Skull Obelisk

So just what is this obelisk? It starts with a giant skull rising out of the ground (the eye sockets are at ground level), and then bursting through the top of the skull is a pillar of...something. There are lots of skulls of various sizes, and worms and large insects and creeping carrion-eaters, and horn-like protruberances, and some assorted mouths and eyeballs. It rather gives the impression of being a shaft of corrupting flesh, alive yet somehow decaying before our eyes. According to Armorcast, this piece is "recommended only for the insane gamer."

Obviously, it looks like an item that would be suitable for a battlefield devoted to Chaos (Warhammer) or the Devout (Chronopia), or any Necromancer or Undead wizard. It's the kind of artifact that you would want to design a scenario around, or that would inspire you to build an army, or start a campaign that involved fighting to defend (or destroy!) it.

View from the Top looking down - while it's looking at you!

It stands about 16 cm tall, and about 4.5 cm wide at the base. The bottom is finished perfectly flat and smooth. We had to look hard to find any imperfections in our sample - and there were a few "wisps" of excess resin in a few of the deeper recesses, easily cleaned up (in fact, they look like they'll fall off if you breathe hard at them). The scribing on a few of the small eyeballs came out very shallow.

Close-up of bottom detail

The fun of a project like this one is that the obelisk consists of so many elements, that instead of being one big thing to paint, it turns into lots of little (and easy) things to paint - skulls, bugs, creepers, eyeballs...

finished Skull Obelisk, picture courtesy of Armorcast