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22 January 2000 | page first published |
Editor in Chief Bill snapped some photos of games he didn't get a chance to play in at Council of Five Nations.
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We know the photograph above isn't the best (and we'll explain why in a moment) - but it's almost like something Matthew Brady might have taken, right? We're sure you'll notice a resemblance to a certain Confederate general with the last name of Lee?
Now, it's not remarkable that a manufacturer puts out a figure that you can recognize - they're supposed to do that all the time. What's remarkable in this case is that this figure is in 6mm scale! (Now do you see why we had a little trouble getting the close-up...?)
This figure comes from the American Civil War line of Baccus 6mm, a company that is passionately devoted to pushing the envelope in 6mm scale. Common sense tells us that the figure must be part of the CS Officers pack, though it arrived here unmarked.
Such detailed figures must be difficult to cast. However, there were few casting flaws in our sample - only one rein which had a tiny gap, and a hole in the belly of one of the horses. Neither flaw would be noticeable in play. There is also a slight seam in places (such as vertically across General Lee's face), but on figures of this size, the seam is not perceptible in play.
The horses' legs are the only weak spot in this model - literally. The legs must be especially difficult to cast, and though none of our sample's legs were missing, one or two were a bit spindly. However, whether cast completely or incompletely, the legs are physically a weak point between the figures and their base.
We have our sample the "push-over test," trying to get the figures to bend from their base. The General resisted our pressure, but his colorbearer did easily bend over.
Our conclusion: These figures should function fine in ordinary tabletop situations, and can be safely handled and moved by touching the riders. However, keep these figures away from any heavy weights (books!) that might fall on them.
Having said that, we marvel at the talent and skill which makes these figures possible at such a micro scale.
The base is 3mm thick, 30mm long and 8mm wide. Lee is 13mm from his horses' hooves to the crown of his head, while his companion is 15mm tall from hooves to top of pole. The horses are 13mm long.